Friday, January 29, 2010

Daily Training Tip # 70

Once you become good, it takes an incredible amount of work to improve a little bit.

This holds true in the gym, on the ice or field, in the classroom, really anywhere. If you are striving for excellence it takes an incredible amount of work. Keep working!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Daily Training Tip # 69

Build hip strength today. Work all four directions of each hip.

Hips are another crucial part of an athlete's development. Along with your core, hips are the foundations of all movements. They are located in the middle of a players "million dollar muscles" and need to be very strong and developed. When working your hips, you need to work all four areas; adductors, abductors, flexors and extensors. (or in, out, up and down)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Daily Training Tip #68

Can't stress enough the importance of hard work. Every shift, Every game, Every practice, Every workout.

Hard work really conquers all. Hard work needs to be a way of life, not just something you turn on and off. It needs to happen all the time in everything you do.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Daily Training Tip # 67

Work on as many aspects of your game each day as you can. Everything developes equally = a better rounded player.

There are a lot of aspects of the game. Strength/Explsiveness/Speeq/Quickness/Balance/Hands/Head/Heart/Feet, etc. Become an expert on all of them. Spend a little time on each of them on a daily basis.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Daily Training Tip #66

We are apporaching the time of the year when every little thing matters. Sleep/Nutrition/Body/Academics/Etc

This time of the year when every win matters, the little things add up quickly. Make sure you are doing everything you can possibly do to help yourself and your team out.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Daily Training Tip # 65

In addition to your regular daily workouts, add in 50 body squats.

You can do these either in the gym or at your house. This should be done on a daily basis and should become habitual. This will help develop your leg strength without adding too much stress to your lower body.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Daily Training Tip #64

If you don't have leg strength then you don't have leg explosiveness. No explosiveness = slow skater.

Build leg strength first. Lower body strength (hips and legs) is crucial to the development of a hockey player. Strength needs to come first. Once some strength is there, then explosivenss can be built.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Daily Training Tip #63

Make today's focus on First Step Quickness. There are lots of different exercises to do to improve on this.

First Step Quickness is very important, especially on the ice. Sometimes the race to a loose puck is over before it even starts. A player can get to that puck and get out of they way before another player gets moving. First Step Quickness is a combination of explosiveness and turnover speed. Work on this!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Daily Training Tip #62

Work on one-legged squats this week. Work up to doing 3 sets of 10 each leg with perfect form.

As I have stated before, Hockey is a game played with your "million dollar muscles" which are located between your nipple-line and your knees. If you focus on training this muscles, someday you might get paid a million dollars to play.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Daily Training Tip # 61

Focus in youth hockey needs to be on fun and development. There is too much focus on winning. If you develope your players into better athletes, the wins will add up.

Does it really matter who won the squirt game or the bantam game? In the long run, no. But it does matter who we develope over the course of the season. At season's end each player should be considerably better physically and mentally than they were at the season's start. This should be our goals as coaches and mentors.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Good Luck Malone and Team USA

We would like to wish Ryan Malone and Team USA the best of luck during the Olympics in Vancouver. Minnesota Hockey Camps has witnessed Ryan grow and develope into a great athlete, great hockey player and a great person. Way to go Ryan!

Daily Training Tip # 60

Make sure you are properly warmed up before all workouts and games. This is a big part of your development.

Over the years, I have witness many coaches that say "he didn't starting playing well until his third or fourth shift." This happens because players don't get properly warmed up before the start. A good warmup consists of a lot different things. When the warmup is done, a players needs to be sweaty. This will help the athlete preform at their best early on during a workout or game.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Daily Training Tip #59

There is no substitute for hard work. There is no "cure all" you can put into your body. Hard work will achieve your dreams.

Don't get caught up with "cure all" supplements that you can put into your body. They do more harm than they do good. Hard work is the X-Factor.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Daily Training Tip # 58

Use a Medicine Ball during the core part of your workout today.

Like I have stated numerous times before, your core needs to be trained on a daily basis. There are thousands of different kinds of core exercises and workouts. Mix it up. Work your core on different planes and different types. One easy way to do this, is to add in a med ball.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Daily Training Tip #57

There is a 96% correlation between running speed and skating speed. Train to run faster and you will be training to skate faster.

Sprinting speed and skating speeds go hand in hand. This spring, join Track & Field for your spring sport. Learn to run faster. Next hockey season, you will be a faster skater.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Daily Training Tip #56

Continue putting the proper fuel into your body. Proper Fuel = Better Workouts = Great Performances

It is really that simple.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Daily Training Tip #55

Continue training with proper form throughout your workouts. Proper technique is crucial for improvement and injury prevention.

Lower the weight and get your butt down! Form comes first, adding weight comes second.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Congratulations to Team USA on a big win last night. Also, Congratulations to MHC Campers Derek Stepan and Matt Donovan. Stepan was the captain of Team USA and was the leading scorer of the tournament posting 4g and 10a for 14 points.

Congratulations to Patrick McCadden of the Green Bay Gamblers. He was named the USHL Reebok Offensive Player of the Week. He had 3g and 2a in helping the Gamblers extend their winning streak to 6 games. Patrick has really worked hard to get himself where he is today. Way to go Patrick.

Nice article on MHC Camper Ryan Malone                                   

Daily Training Tip #54

Learn what a Dex Squat is. Try completing a set of dex squats during your workout today.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Daily Training Tip # 53

You are only as good as your last workout! Make it a great one today!

Everyone has heard the saying..."You are only as good as your, test, assignment, concert, etc." I say "You are only as good as your last workout" This is very true. Your game performance depends on what you do in the gym. The greater your workouts are, the greater your game performance is.

Careers end way to early and are way to short. A player doesn't have time and can't afford to have a bad workout. Every single one counts.

Have a GREAT ONE today!

Frazer - Tiger of the Week!

I would like to say Congratulations to Joey Frazer on being named Medicine Hat Tiger of the week for last week. Joey had 3 goals in 3 games as the Tigers went 2 wins and 1 loss over that 3 game span.

Joey is a player that pays a great price to play the game of hockey. He is well above his 10,000 training hours and realizes that he needs to achieve another 10,000 training hours to reach his goal of playing hockey at the highest level. On a daily basis Joey is in the gym working on his flexibility, strength, explosiveness, speed and balance.

Keep up the good work Joey!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year - D.T.T.#52

Happy New Year to Everyone!!

D.T.T. #52 Ask Ryan Malone how many training hours he spent in the gym. Hard work is starting to pay off. He made the Olympic Team starting play on Feb 12th in Vancouver.

Ryan Malone along with 2 other Minnesota Hockey Camps Campers, Paul Stastny and David Backes, made the US Men's Olympic Hockey Team. All three have put in the 10,000 training hours over the years. Hard work is paying off for all three of them.

Ryan has been attending Minnesota Hockey Camps since the age of 15. He has trained his body in all aspects of development and is now playing like an All-Star. I would model my training after Ryan.

Good Luck to these three!!