Monday, October 31, 2011

Daily Training Tip #539

You've been told since you first started skating, get your butt down! Well proper knee bend on the ice can't happen without proper leg strength. So get into the gym!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Daily Training Tip #538

Success is a marathon, not a sprint.

These are all facts;

-It takes 4-6 weeks of hard intense training to show improvement.

-It takes 21 consecutive days to break a bad habit.

-It takes 10,000 training hours to become an expert.

Training takes time. There are lots of ups and downs. Keep forging forward. Work as hard and as smart as possible. Don't skip any workouts. You will get rewarded!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Daily Training Tip #537

Sky Jumps are an easy (but beneficial) exercise that all athletes can do regardless of their access to equipment. It can be done at home, in your back yard, on the playground, at the rink, really anywhere. If you have something to hold over your head, great. If not, just squat down, touch the floor then explode up in the air and try to touch the sky.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Daily Training Tip #526

You should be able to complete at least 5-one leg squats (with each leg)with perfect form. If not, you have an area where you really need to improve on. Lower body strength is crucial to your athletic development.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Friday, October 21, 2011

Daily Training Tip #534

Missing a workout is like skipping the last three (3) workouts. That's how important staying on a regular workout schedule is!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Daily Training Tip #533

The success of any training program is determined by the work ethic and discipline of you...the athlete. Your motivation, along with a well-designed, complete program, will determine how good you become.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Daily Training Tip #532

Lunges force athletes into a single-leg support position, which occurs in competition often. However, most sport specific movements don't occur in a straing forward position, so you need to use various forms of lunges; front side, skater, reverse lunges, etc.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Daily Training Tip #531

Vertical Jump and 40 yard dash speeds directly predict skating acceleration. Which means the higher you jump and the faster you sprint, the quicker you will be on the ice!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Daily Training Tip #530

Faster skating is based on the number of times a player can push off to create power, not having a "long" stride. Create a high stride rate!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Daily Training Tip #529

Today's DTT comes from TJ Oshie. In regards to TJ's training and on-ice workouts, TJ says to "Go Hard or Go Home!"

TJ has made himself into a hockey player. He pays one heck of price everytime he steps in the gym or on the ice. He always goes above and beyond what is required. Making yourself into a player, is really pretty simple. It just takes hard work!

Back in June, we had bunch of aspiring athletes at the camp on a Sunday morning. We were giving our Template Talk to these kids and explaining the price they need to pay to play this game at an elite level. All of sudden, the gym doors opened up and in walked TJ. We witnessed TJ go through a pretty special workout at 10a on a Sunday morning. These kids witnessed what TJ does during his workout and were amazed. They realized what they need to do to succeed.

Thanks Osh!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Daily Training Tip #528

Hockey specific training is just that, hockey specific training. It doesn't matter your age or level of play, the training is the same. The older, more advanced the player is, the more advanced the workouts are, but all the concepts are the same. It doesn't matter if you are a squirt, peewee, bantam or a pro, you need to jump, sprint, lift and skate together on a consecutive basis.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Daily Training Tip #527

Technique is important. If you’re lifting or jumping, make sure your technique is correct. If not, improvements are slower to appear and injuries do happen. Proper technique while lifting and jumping has quicker improvements and a decreased risk of injury.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Daily Training Tip #526

USA Hockey says "treat your body like a temple, eat properly."

We take that one step further, "treat your body like a temple and do ALL the little things properly to put yourself in the proper position to succeed." There are a lot of "little things" you can do. Eating properly is one of them, along with sprinting, jumping, lifting, skating on a daily basis, getting enough sleep each night, keeping academics high, being a team player, etc. A lot of little things, add up to a big thing!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Daily Training Tip #525

Add in 300 body squats to your normal workout routine today.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Daily Training Tip #524

Along with forward sprints, try some backwards sprinting today. Just make sure you know where you're going!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Daily Training Tip #523

Completing a workout is taking one step forward. Missing a workout (or taking a day completely off) is like taking three steps backwards. It is so crucial to workout daily.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Daily Training Tip #522

Your core is a multi-muscle machine that all work in sync with each other. You have to work all muscles both individually and as a unit. This needs to be done on a daily basis.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Daily Training Tip #521

Your core is a non-fatiguing area. Which means it can (and should) be worked/trained on a daily basis. Complete some sort of core routine each and every day!