Thursday, May 31, 2012

Daily Training Tip #681

Building off of yesterday; on average 1.5grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day is what an athlete needs.

I’m not a math guy, but here we go. A 200 pound athlete equals 91 kilograms. 1.5g X 91kg = 136.5 or 140grams of protein on a daily basis. Spread this out over the entire day. There is not much need for more protein than this as it will be eliminated by your body through your urine.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Daily Training Tip #680

Your body can only use 20grams of protein every two (2) hours. Which means, if you intake more than 20g of protein in a two hour block your body can’t use it and eliminates it through your urine.

All athletes need protein. The best way to intake protein is slowly over the entire day. Drinking a choclate milk directly after your workout is a great start!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Daily Training Tip #679

Become an athlete first, then work on sport specific skills.

Shoot/Stickhandle pucks everyday, yes! However, in the gym all athletes need to do the same basic exercises. Once you excel at those, then add in some hockey specific exercises.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Daily Training Tip #678

Training on unstable surfaces helps build your balance. Any exercise can be done on a balance board, swiss ball, bosu ball, etc and can increase your balance.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Daily Training Tip #677

Don’t forget to develop your smaller muscles. Your smaller muscles do play a significant role in the performance of the larger muscles. Example; your calf muscles can’t perform to their best if your soleus muscles are under developed.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Daily Training Tip #676

If you are getting sore after a specific workout, you’d better start focusing on that area for improvement. At one time or another you are going to need all of your muscles! Make sure you work the ‘weaker’ ones.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Daily Training Tip #675

Not sure who started the words ‘physical burnout.’ But they don’t happen. Those words are just an excuse to not workout.

If you are in-shape, it takes you 8 hours to recover from an intense workout/game. 8 hours! That’s it. That means, if you have a game at 7p tonight, you have to get your workout done by 11a this morning. If you can get up in time to get your workout done by 11a, then you have other issues!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Daily Training Tip #674

Today’s D.T.T. is more of a simple question. Since your season has ended, what have you done to assure you have a better season next year?

Friday, May 18, 2012

Daily Training Tip #673

We always preach on the development of your core. Don’t forget that your lower back is included as part of your core. The time when you bend over, rest your stick on your knees and take a deep breath; is the first sign that your core is fatigued. Typically, your lower back is the first part of your core that fatigues.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Daily Training Tip #672

In youth sports, usually the team that has the best athletes will win the game. So why not spend your time becoming a better athlete? You can easily make yourself into a better athlete on a daily basis!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Daily Training Tip #671

When running stairs, you have a lot of different options. You can (and should) run up the stairs with; one foot on each step, running while skipping steps, hopping on both feet, hoppping on one foot, hopping sideways, running sideways with crossovers, hopping three stairs up with one stair down, etc. There are so many different ways to do stairs training. Mix it up, change it up. Your body reacts well to change and all will benefit you!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Daily Training Tip #670

When doing hill sprints (not stairs) make sure you sprint both UP the hill and sprint DOWN the hill. Both up and down have a different training element and both up/down build off of each other. Start with sprinting up the hill with a walk down recovery and then move onto walking up the hill and sprinting down the hill. Both will aid in your improvements.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Daily Training Tip #669

Hockey players are athletes, not power lifters. Hockey players need to train on all aspects of the training board; they need to be powerful, explosive, strong, quick, fast, agile, etc. There is more to being an athlete than just being strong.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Daily Training Tip #668

This one’s for you “Lil Archie” and all the other MN hockey players that are going to participate in the MN Fishing Opener this weekend.

Either get your workout completed before you leave, or else you’ll need to workout in the boat. There’s plenty of room to lay of the boat floor and hammer out some crunches, some pushups and complete some body and 1-leg squats.

You can’t afford an off day!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Daily Training Tip #667

Your amount of rest in between reps is just as important as the reps themselves. Keep your rest 30-45sec between reps for most lifts.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Daily Training Tip #666

Reaction Time can be quickened! Just like everything else, to see the best results, work at it!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Daily Training Tip #665

Improvements need to be happening all year long!

If you Pre-Test directly before your season starts and then Post-Test directly after your season ends, your physical scores (at minimum) need to be the same. If not the same, should be better during your post-test at the end of the season.

Think about it this way; you train all year long to be in the best shape and perform your best during the playoffs. Then during the week after your last game, you post-test. If your scores improved, then you were playing at your best ability late in the season. If your scores declined, then you didn’t do everything you could have to win.

Training needs to happen on a regular basis, both in-season and off-season! Start your off-season training now, to assure you are in the best possible shape during next season’s playoffs!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Daily Training Tip #664

Dynamic Warm Up, Lift, Sprint, Jump, Skate and then Cool Down. That is as simple as it gets!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Daily Training Tip #663

The ‘story’ of training is always changing. New gyms with the latest gimmick are constantly opening up. They claim they have the greatest fad. Don’t fall into any training pitfalls.

Complete a training program that is time tested. Complete a training program that has the results to back it up. Complete a training program at Minnesota Hockey Camps!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Daily Training Tip #662

Pull Ups are a great body weight exercise that all hockey players should be doing on a regular basis.

Change your grip from pronated to supanated to hockey stick grip regularly. Use bars, ropes and rings to give your pull ups some varying degrees of difficulty.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Daily Training Tip #661

The only fear you should have in the gym is that you aren’t working hard enough and someone else is getting better than you.

Sometimes athletes have fears of getting injuried in the gym; pulling a muscle, messing up your knees, or some females fear turning into the ‘hulk.’ None of those fears are true if you are taught properly and are doing the proper movements when in the gym. Put your fears aside and get after it today!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Daily Training Tip #660

We all know your eyes are important inside the rink. Your eyes are also important inside the gym. Keeping your eyes looking in the proper direction/spot, helps assure the proper technique.

For example; when squatting keep your eyes looking straight ahead, about 20 degrees above parrallel. This helps keep your head up, which keeps your back flat.