Thursday, October 31, 2013

Daily Training Tip #1048

A hockey players' hips can often be overlooked. Live on the Multi-Hip Machine, or reproduce those same movements with bands, towels, weights, etc. Train your Hips!!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Daily Training Tip #1047

Work on your weaknesses. If you have a hard time completing a one leg squat on your left leg, build a workout program that helps increase the strength of your left leg. The better your weakness is, the better you are.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Daily Training Tip #1046

Your lower back is part of your core. It needs to be trained/developed with just as much importance as your front. Back Extensions and Hypers are two of the best exercise to hit this area. Try them today!!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Daily Training Tip #1045

What you are doing right now, this month, will greatly affect your performance come playoff time!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Daily Training Tip #1044

We've discussed this before, Active Rest is a big part of the overall training process. On days that you are not scheduled to be training, Active Rest is a must. Get off of the couch and get active. Anything active and anything fun will do!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Daily Training Tip #1043

Make sure your training routine is moving you towards your goals. Workout/Train for a specific purpose. If your plan and your goals do not match up, success isn't going to come. Make sure you are on the proper page.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Daily Training Tip #1042

Jumping Rope is a basic athletic skill that everyone should have learned at a young age. It is also a complex skill that all athletes should incorporate into their workouts. It helps builds coordination and athletic ability.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Daily Training Tip #1041

We all make mistakes, we all know we need to learn from those mistakes. However, your career is way to short to make mistakes during your training sessions. There is no room for mistakes. Think about your athletic goals and work towards those goals.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Daily Training Tip #1040

It does not matter what your goals are during a training session. If your knees are suppose to be bent, bend them the proper way. Keep knees aligned, drop thighs down to parallel, keep head and chest up.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Daily Training Tip #1039

We've always discussed single leg training for hockey players, however, just as important to train are independently of each as was. Single Arm bench or shoulder press will get you started.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Daily Training Tip #1038

Doing the proper exercises/workouts in the gym when No One is Looking will help separate you from the rest of the pack!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Daily Training Tip #1037

Box Jumps and 1 Leg Box Jumps can be done anywhere. Find a set of steps and jump away!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Daily Training Tip #1036

If your body is used to doing something each day (ie: Training), don't take that training away. Stay the course with your training no matter if is in-season or not. You might need to change the training intensity a little because of a game or competition, but do not stop training. Stay the Course!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Daily Training Tip #1035

Push Ups are an exercise that can be completed anywhere and anytime. There is no need to waste your 'gym time' doing push ups when you can do that before or after at your house or even office. Use your time wisely!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Daily Training Tip #1034

To help aid in your 'cardio training' just shorten the rest during the workout that you normally do.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Daily Training Tip #1033

Raise the Bar on your own training today. Make yourself a little better each day, by the end of the season you will have put yourself (your team) in position to win it's last game!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Daily Training Tip #1032

Keep in mind, going through an intense workout today is making you better during the playoffs of the season.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Daily Training Tip #1031

Spend a little time today developing 'over looked areas' that need to be trained on a regular basis. A hockey players' hips are a huge role in your skating stride and need to be developed. Start working on your hips today and continue working on them from here forward.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Daily Training Tip #1030

Prehab is doing 'rehab' before your injury occurs. Included in your training program should be exercises that help prevent injuries, so you won't miss any playing time. Shoulders, hips, groins are common areas that hockey players might have issues with, so spend some prehab time working on those.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Daily Training Tip #1029

You can do so many different things with Medicine Balls. Be creative and use them often. Vary the weight of the ball so you develop in various ways. You can develop strength, power, explosiveness or anything in between.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Daily Training Tip #1028

You are not born with excellence, you have to go out and get it! Strive for Excellence daily!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Daily Training Tip #1027

Build up explosive power and strength one leg at a time. Not only if you are a hockey player, but if you are an athlete! Try one leg box jumps today.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Daily Training Tip #1026

You've all hear our saying 'Work Hard and Work Smart' It is a two part saying. One without the other is not going to cut it. Work Hard and Work Smart and results will come!