Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Daily Training Tip #807

You will get more out of a workout by going as hard as you possibly can. Train at your highest intensity. When you have nothing left to give, leave. You will get much more out of going 45 minutes hard than you will going a hour and a half at half speed.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Daily Training Tip #806

Moving your feet is as simple as your head telling your feet to move and then your feet actually moving. Training will keep your feet moving fast and let your head think about another part of the game.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Daily Training Tip #805

Make sure you are aware how your body tracks during your exercises. For example; during a squat, make sure your knees stay in line, stay behind your toes, chest stays & head stay up and your back stay arched. "Caving" your knees in during a squat can be harmful.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Daily Training Tip #804

Stay light, Stay soft, Stay quick on your feet.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Daily Training Tip #803

If you are failing to see results one of two things is probably true 1) You are not working hard enough 2) You are not working smart enough. So change it up! Change up your work ethic or Change up workouts. It takes 4-6 weeks to start seeing positive results from your workouts. If you haven't seen any results, it's time to change it up!

Work Hard and Work Smart!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Daily Training Tip #802

Great article came out yesterday. "Of theAthletes that get 8 hours of sleep or more a night, 68% are less likely to sustain injury." Another great reason to make sure you get enough sleep at night!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Daily Training Tip #801

Make sure your workouts are specific to your needs. We've spoke about sport specific needs, but also general health needs. There are so many different types of workouts out there, some help you reach your specific needs, some do not. Make sure you put yourself on the proper path for your success!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Daily Training Tip #800

Your body reacts well to change. Make sure you are changing up your workouts on a monthly basis to produce the best results!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Daily Training Tip #799

If you are a fast twitch muscle fiber athlete (quick/fast athlete) it is more important to train anaerobically, not aerobically. Every anaerobic workout can be made aerobic by shortening your rest. Shortening your rest inbetween sets/reps will help build your aerobic performance. Stay away from long, slow runs or bike rides.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Daily Training Tip #798

Buy yourself a resistance bands (a big heavy rubber band). This single piece of equipment can be used in so many different ways to create a great workout for yourself. These bands can be easily put into your suitecase when traveling so you can continue your workouts on the road!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Daily Training Tip #797

It's much easier for you to Stay in Shape then it is to get back into shape. Don't quit what you have already started!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Daily Training Tip #796

Athleticism is being big, strong, quick, fast, agile, adaptable, explosive, powerful, etc, etc, etc. A good athlete is a combination of raw athleticism and sport specific skill. You have to be an athlete AND shoot pucks on a daily basis. Shooting pucks daily is a good thing, but it is only half of the battle! Become an Athlete!!!!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Daily Training Tip #795

A short (5-7 minutes) dynamic warmup is the best thing for you to do before a workout. Make sure your body is prepared for your training!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Daily Training Tip #794

Daily repitition of motion makes things natural and fluid. Daily repitition helps you do things "without thinking." This is cognitive training. Do it daily!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Daily Training Tip #793

Make sure you are working all 4 areas of your development; Skating, Lifting, Sprinting and Jump. Make sure you are doing all 4 on a daily basis.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Daily Training Tip #792

If your core is the foundation of all athletic movements, shouldn't your core get exercised during each workout?

Every single movement you do, weather it be a sport specific movement or an every day simple movement your core is activated. So yes, every exercise you complete does train your core. However, to see an improvement in the condition of your core (which leads to better results) you need to specifically focus on your core, even if just for a bit!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Daily Training Tip #791

Functional Training is known and completed worldwide and is a great thing. However, there is a lot of confusion about what this is. Functional Training is training with a logical progression towards becoming a better athlete. It's NOT just throwing exercises 'in a hat' and pulling out the 'hardest' lifts. It's a great way to become a better athlete!

I've been saying this for years, it's about working hard and working smart! If you need some help in designing and/or implementing a program, just ask!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Daily Training Tip #790

A good off-ice warmup is crucial to the outcome of the practice and/or game. The warmup should be 15-20 minutes in length and get your heart rate elevated, get a good sweat going and loosen you up. Time it correctly, so the warmup ends 7 minutes before you have to be on the ice. Quickly get your gear on in 7 minutes and get on the ice!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Daily Training Tip #789

Completing the same workout, but varying the amount of rest in between each exercise can have a positive affect on your body. Shorter rest can help improve your strength. Varying that rest slightly helps 'keep your body' fresh!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Daily Training Tip #788

There is always a fine balance between your strength, power, explosiveness and balnce. Which means you need to be completing a complete workout program that improves on each of those four categories. Improving on one and not the others will yield less improvements. Improve on all four equally!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Daily Training Tip #787

You always make sure you put the proper gas in your car when you fill up? Why don't you always put the proper 'gas' in your system when you fill up?

Working out by itself is only part of the puzzle. What you put into your body is the other piece. Make sure you are eating a proper well balanced diet for your meals and for your snacks inbetween meals.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Daily Training Tip #786

Nobody cares how 'funny' you think you look when you are doing certain exercises. Nobody cares if you drop a little bit of sweat on the gym floor. If everyone did the same as you, worked as hard as you, sweated as much as you, then everyone would get the same results as you. Don't worry about what everyone else thinks, just go do it!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Daily Training Tip #785

Lunges are an important exercise that every workout program should have. There are four different types of lunges that you can do; front lunges, skater lunges, side lunges and reverse lunges. Feel free to mix it up and/or complete all four different types.

Make sure you take a big, long step so your knee ends up straight over your ankle, sink your hips down so you lead thigh ends up parrallel to the ground. Breath out on the hard part!