Friday, March 30, 2012

Daily Training Tip #641

I’ve said this numerous times before, (like a lot of things!) part of your conditioning program is designed towards preventing injury. It doesn’t matter how well conditioned you are, if you are on the “IR” you aren’t helping your team. Part injury prevention means pushing your body to the extreme, just like you would during competition.

Here’s and easy example; if you are a 100m dash sprinter, you need to make sure your body is pushed to it’s max sprinting speed during practice before a meet. If you’ve only done ‘jogging’ in practice, when the gun goes off, you aren’t ready to go and something negative might happen.

This same example is happens in all sports. Push your body to the extreme so you are ready for all competitions!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Daily Training Tip #640

This one is for you, Kevin! You show that watch who the boss is!

You’ve heard us talk about ‘mindset’ well the same holds true for your training. Your mind is always right. If it says you can run an extra mile, you can. If it says you can jump the highest box, you can. However, if it says you can not do something, it is also right. When you enter the gym (or your training session, wherever it may be) make sure you have the proper mindset.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Daily Training Tip #639

A lot of times, shin splints are in a players head. However, an easy way to help prevent shin splints is to train your soleus muscles. Easy to develop by flexing your toes up towards your shins. You can do this; with resistance from a partner, adding weights or just under your own power.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Daily Training Tip #638

When it comes to improving strength, the squat rack is very important. However, you also need to train “outside the box,” outside of the squat rack. There are so many different exercises that need to be completed in order for your lower body strength to reach it’s max strength. Start in the squat rack and then move “outside the box” and complete other strength lifts on a daily basis!

Flipping tires is one of those “outside of the box” strength workouts!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Daily Training Tip #637

As discussed before, take a couple of weeks off at the end of your season. Once you begin training again, make the focus be on strength. The first 4-6 weeks of your off-season program should be designed to build as much strength as possible.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Daily Training Tip #636

You are only an athlete once! You can’t take days back, you can take games back, you can’t take workouts back. Don’t leave anything to chance. Make sure you are prepared for your games/competition. If others don’t work, you will have to put in extra work on your own. There is nothing wrong (in fact recommended) with going into the gym on your own after practice and getting a little extra work in. You will get out, what you put in!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Daily Training Tip #634

Spring is the time of year where it is nice to take your workouts outside. However, if the weather doesn’t allow you to go outdoors on a specific day, take your workout into the pool. There are a couple pool workouts that can really benefit you as an athlete.

First, do your land based plyos in the pool. Find a spot in the pool that is chest depth and do all of your jumping in the pool. This lessens the impacts on your joints and adds resistance to each jump. This is also a good workout if you have a minor, lower body injury.

Second, aqua jog. Very similiar to jogging/sprinting on dryland, except less impact and great resistance.

Sometimes the pool is a nice change to your daily workout routine.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Daily Training Tip #633

Body weight exercises are a great exercise for all ages, all levels and all abilities of hockey players. Body weight exercises put a lighter load on your joints, so they can be completed each and every day; including game days! There are way too many different body weight exercises to name them all. Complete your favorites on a regular basis.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Daily Training Tip #632

All portions of your off-season workout program are important. Your body reacts well to change. Your program will have changes in it, even if you don't realize it. Which means, you have to pay a price in all aspects of your program.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Daily Training Tip #631

"Sport Specific" is the new marketing buzzword when it comes to training programs. Sport specific training is NOT playing more games! A lot of sport specific training can be done on your own. Grab your stick and some pucks and stick handle, pass and shoot pucks in your own driveway. Put on your skates and find the nearest frozen lake (or rollerblades in the summer months).

Games are a time to have fun and showcase your skills. Games are not for development!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Daily Training Tip #630

Progression is the key to any off-season workout program. You need to pre-test and you need to post-test. You should also complete certain tests at certain midway points during your off-season program. This is not to judge you, this is to track your performance! Your off-season training program is a long process. Keep in mind, you are preparing to be at your best during the later part of your season next year!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Daily Training Tip #629

Don't let yourself get out of shape!

I've said this a few times before, but now that your season is over, you can't let it happen. Take a couple (2) of weeks off and relax. If you are injuried, you might have to take a few more off depending on certain issues and what your doctor says. If you are not injuried, two weeks off is just fine.

Once that two week period is over, next season starts. A good off-season training program will run from now until the start of your season. If you take off too long, negative effects may arise. Your body has been used to being in top shape throughout the entire season, it wants to stay in top shape. Staying in shape is much easier (and much more beneficial to you) than trying to get back into shape.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Daily Training Tip #628

There is no such thing as a quick fix! Be aware of someone that is telling you about a quick fix or the latest trend. Nothing beats working smart and working hard.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Daily Training Tip #627

Be aware of gimmicks! There are so many gimmicks out there that don't work, that aren't time tested, that are a waste of money. Your money is hard earned, spend it wisely!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Daily Training Tip #626

Remember your core is the foundation of all athletic movements. It needs to be trained on a daily basis.

Change up your core training! There are so many different types of core exercises. There are ground based core exercises, core exercises on a swiss ball, resistence core exercises, dynamic core exercises, etc. You need to be doing more than "regular crunches" to develop your core strength enough so you can play at an elite level!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Daily Training Tip #625

When training for First Step Quickness, you also need to complete read/react drills.

The quicker you read and react to a certain situation, the quicker your legs can get you there. Think about it like this. Player 1 runs a 40 yd dash is 5.0 seconds. Player 2 runs a 40 yd dash is 4.8 seconds. Player 2 wins right? However, if it takes player 2, three tenths of a second to read and react to the starting gun, then player 1 wins. Read and React skills can be developed!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Daily Training Tip #624

What you do the day after your last game of the season is just as important as what you did the day before your first game of the season.

Take a little bit of time off and heal your injuries. After that, it’s time to get back at it. From a development standpoint, the off-season, starts right away.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Daily Training Tip #623

One legged exercises are so crucial to your development. The majority of the ground based exercises that you currently do, can be done with one leg. Spend one workout a week and turn it into a "One Leg Day!"